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Want to use Open Educational Resources in your classroom and don’t know how? Here are some tips.

Want to use Open Educational Resources in your classroom and don’t know how? Here are some tips.

Are you a teacher in Myanmar eager to identify how ICT can be used pedagogically to support the attainment of your curriculum standards, i.e., eager to achieve a main knowledge acquisition competency outlined in the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers? If the answer is yes, this blog post is for you. 

In the dynamic world of teaching discovering high-quality educational materials can be a real journey.

But here's your game-changer: Open Educational Resources (OER).

OER is your golden key to a wealth of teaching and learning materials, including textbooks, videos, lesson plans, and quizzes, all for free, fully customizable to fit your classroom's unique needs and often come from reputable sources, ensuring top-notch quality. The real magic lies in OER's adaptability. You can mix, match, and tweak them to create the perfect resources for your students, supercharging your teaching effectiveness. 

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