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Do You Have Misbehaving Students in Your Classroom? Do You Find it Challenging? Here Are Some Productive Discipline Approaches.

Do You Have Misbehaving Students in Your Classroom? Do You Find it Challenging? Here Are Some Productive Discipline Approaches.

To keep a school physically safe, we need more than walls built around the classroom and locks on the doors. Those things keep bad people out, but we also must ensure that people in the school do not harm each other. Teachers mustn't hurt students. We will talk about a practice used by some teachers that is very harmful and has long-term impacts on students' wellbeing and safety. Corporal punishment, such as spanking or hitting students, is not an effective way to manage behavior and can have detrimental effects on a child's wellbeing. It can lead to fear, mistrust, and a hostile learning environment, which is counterproductive to education goals. Fortunately, there are alternative strategies that can help maintain discipline in the classroom and encourage positive behavior without resorting to physical punishment. Here are some practical approaches for teachers to consider:

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